ArXiV AI/ML Analysis

UC Berkeley | Data Visualization
Visual Analysis of arXiv Ai   Machine Learning Papers (1993-2019)

Project Description

This data visualization project, built on scholarly articles published on arXiv, aims to promote detection of insights and industry trends in AI/ML research papers between 1993 and 2019.


Natural Language Processing, Data Visualization, Topic Modeling, Unsupervised Learning, Exploratory Data Analysis


Python, Jupyter, Pandas, NumPy, Spacy, Scikit, Bokeh, Plotly, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Altair, Power BI, Tableau


arXiv is a free distribution service and open archive for scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems, and economics.

This data visualization project aims to highlight AI/ML topic trends, paper submission behavior, and emerging areas of interest to students and researchers in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning - sourced entirely from arXiv's 1.7M scholarly articles (1999-2019).

The technical details behind this solution is detailed in the README file for the projects public repository.

See the complete project in my GitHub repository.